Henderson County, Kentucky Personalities Mary Towles Sasseen
KENTUCKY SENATE JOURNAL REGULAR 1926 SESSION VOL. II SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 24 Whereas , the Henderson Woman's Club through its president, Mrs. Lillian Walker Thixton, has passed a resolution requesting this General Assembly to recognize Miss Mary Towles Sasseen as the originator of the idea of Mother's Day Celebration, and Whereas , Mary Towles Sasseen, who was born and reared, and was for many years a teacher in the public schools of Henderson, Kentucky, afterwards marrying Judge Marshall Wilson of Florida, observed Mother's Day Celebration in the public schools as early as 1887 and earnestly labored in Kentucky and other states to have said observance become general; and Whereas , Mary Towles Sasseen was the originator of the idea of Mother's Day Celebration; Therefore be it resolved by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: That the people of Kentucky through their chosen representatives in the General Assembly hereby acclaim Mary Towles Sasseen as the originator of the idea of the Celebration of Mother's Day, and Senate Journal Page 1473 Also that the House had passed; Senate Resolution No. 24 requesting the General Assembly to recognize Miss Mary Towles Sasseen as the originator of Mother's Day. Senate Journal Page 1834