Henderson County, Kentucky Personalities

Mary Towles Sasseen


Exercises Here Will Revel Fact That Henderson Woman Originated the Day in 1893

“Mother's Day,” the observance of which is believed to have been originated with Mrs. Mary Towles Sasseen WILSON, of Henderson, in 1893, will be celebrated with appropriate exercises in this city tomorrow afternoon.

Nearly all of the fraternal societies of the city will take part in the program, which will be given at Holy Name School, beginning at 2:30 o'clock.

Dr. J. P. WILLIAMS, who is chairman of the joint committee on arrangements, will open the service, and the Rev. Logan B. ENGLISH, paster of the First Baptist Church, will offer an invocation.

An anthem will be rendered by the choir of St. Paul's Episcopal Church under the direction of Miss Margaret SEIBERT, and S. O. HEILBRONNER will give a history of “Mother's Day,” in which he will show that Mrs. WILSON conceived the idea of the annual celebration.

Following Mr. HEILBRONNER'S parer, Miss Della WILLIAMS will sing and the principal address will be made by the Rev. Father B. J. BOLAND, pastor of the Holy Name School.

After another anthem, “Hary, Hark My Soul,” is sung by the choir, the Rev. James C. RAWLINGS, pastor of the First Methodist Church, will offer a benediction.

The arrangements committee, like many other similar committees throughout the nation, has suggested that ribbons be worn tomorrow instead of flowers, white ribbons for the dead and red for the living.

“Mother's Day” sermons will be preached in all of the churches tomorrow.

Mr. HEILBRONNER, in his review of “Mother's Day,” will reveal that Mrs. WILSON, in 1893, published a pamphlet setting forth her ideas for a celebration of “Mother's Day” in memory of her own mother.

Mr. HEILBRONNER will show that Miss SASSEEN'S principal idea was to bring about an annual observance of “Mother's Day” in the schools of the land.

The Gleaner, Henderson, Kentucky, Saturday, May 7, 1921



Contributed by Netta Mullin, HCH&GS
Copyright 2005, HCH&GS