Henderson County, Kentucky Personalities Mary Towles Sasseen
PROCEEDINGS OF THE KENTUCKY STATE FEDERATION OF LABOR RESOLUTION NO. 26 Whereas, The delegates in convention assembled have been presented with proof that the late Mrs. Mary Towles Sasseen Wilson is the author of "Mother's Day," which is so generally observed throughout the land; and Whereas, The conception as to the authorship of the celebration of this day is credited to Miss (Anna) Jarvis, of Philadelphia, Pa., we urge upon all publications throughout the State of Kentucky to make necessary correction, and give credit where it will fully belong; be it Resolved, That in view of the proof as to the original founder of "Mother's Day," that we recommend the erection of a memorial chapel in Henderson, Ky., in honor of Mrs. Mary Towles Sasseen Wilson, which shall be thrown open for religious service to all denominations; and be it further Resolved, That in order to defray the cost of such a memorial, that we call on a volunteer contribution from the membership affiliated with the Kentucky State Federation of Labor first, and all civic and educational societies of our State, and that upon completion of this memorial that same be given into the care of the Henderson Historical Association; and be it further Resolved, That we call the attention of the A. E. of L. at their convention which is to be held in Portland, Oregon, that it may review the evidence discovered as to the author and founder of Mother's Day." And urge upon it their co-operation, in the purpose and object reflected herein. HERBERT W. Moss Committee recommends that incoming Executive Board take this resolution in hand and get into touch with proper parties. The recommendation of the committee was concurred in and the resolution placed in hands of incoming Board.