Henderson County, Kentucky
VIRGINIA GRANTS (1782 - 1792) ~ were issued for service in the
French and Indian War and in the Revolutionary War.
OLD KENTUCKY GRANTS (1793 - 1856) ~ includes military, seminary,
academic, treasury warrants, and pre-emption grants. Some of these were
based on warrants and surveys issued by Virginia.
GRANTS SOUTH OF GREEN RIVER (1797 - 1866) ~ Virginia reserved these
lands for distribution to Revolutionary soldiers. After 1797 the land
was opened to settlers who were given a "headright".
TELLICO GRANTS (1805 - 1853) ~ were grants applied to lands ceded
to the United States by the Cherokee Indians under the treaty of 1805.
Issured for Treasury warrants.
KENTUCKY LAND WARRANTS (1816 - 1873) ~ were issued on a Treasury
warrant. Originally $20.00 per 100 acres.
GRANTS WEST OF THE TENNESSEE RIVER (1822 - 1858) ~ were issued on
a Treasury warrant.
GRANTS SOUTH OF WALKER'S LINE (1825 - 1923) ~ were issued on a
Treasury warrant. Located between the present state line and 36 degree
30 minutes parallel.
COUNTY COURT ORDERS (1836) ~ An act of the legislature passed on 28
Feb 1835 gave all unappropriated lands to the respective courts of the
county where the land lies. Not less than $5.00 per 100 acres was to be
charged. The sale price constituted a fund for roads and bridges.