List of Books for Lookups


HENDERSON CITY BIRTHS, 1896 - 1910. Info was discovered in the files. These births were submitted to Henderson City Clerk's office. Births are listed by the father's surname.


MARRIAGE REGISTER , 1806 - 1846 Actual copies of the early marriage registers admitted to record. Info includes: date of marriage, parties' names, minister's name, sometimes the church or place is listed as well as parents' names.
Henderson Co, Kentucky Marriages from 1858 to 1900


HENDERSON COUNTY DEATH RECORDS, 1911 - 1992.  Info includes:  father and mother’s name, informant, spouse when available, cemetery, birth and death dates, county born, county of father and mother when available.  Over 25,000 entries, encompassing 100,000 individuals. 
GONE, BUT NOT FORGOTTEN.    Cemeteries and grave plots in Henderson County, Kentucky.  Earliest death date found thus far is 1811.
HENDERSON COUNTY DEATH RECORDS, 1839 - 1911 Information was copied from original entries made by the certifying physicians and recorded in the City Building. Laws requiring government's to keep records did not go into effect until 1912. Therefore, records of this era are not recorded elsewhere. Information listed: Name, date of death, place buried, cause of death, physician's name, father and mother's name and place of birth.
INTERRMENT RECORDS FOR THE CITY OF HENDERSON Copied from the Fernwood and Fairmont Cemetery Records through 1978. Info listed: Name, date of interrment, age if known, cemetery and lot designation.
OAK HILL CEMETERY.   Cemetery located at 1046 Pringle Street.  History of this cemetery was researched by Frank and Mishelle Nally. 


EARLY CENSUS RECORDS OF HENDERSON COUNTY. 1792 Letters & Petitions - an accurate list of the free male inhabitants of Charleston (Red Banks Ohio); 1799 Tax List - published as being the complete census for Henderson dated 21 Oct 1799 per Walter Alves. However per Aeneas McCallister his listing dated 29 Oct 1799 found Walter Alves' list incomplete; 1800 Tax List - dated 01 Oct 1800; 1810; 1820; 1830; 1840 Census Records - alphabetized by surname; 1799 Quarter Session Court Records.
HENDERSON COUNTY 1850 CENSUS. Revised edition. Census records include the district, surname, first name, age, sex, race, occupation and birth state.
HENDERSON COUNTY 1860 CENSUS. Revised edition. Census records include the district, surname, first name, age, sex, occupation and birth state.
HENDERSON COUNTY 1870 CENSUS. Revised edition. Census records include the district, surname, first name, age, sex, occupation and birth state.
HENDERSON COUNTY 1880 CENSUS. Census records include house number, head of household surname, given name, race, sex, age, occupation, birthplace, father and mother's birthplace.
HENDERSON CITY DIRECTORY, 1889 - 1890. A full alphabetical record of the names of the inhabitants of the City of Henderson, a Business Directory, City Guide, etc.

1890 HENDERSON COUNTY TAX LIST. Lists what each tax payer owned including land, horses, cows, buggies, jewelry, furniture, etc; whether they enrolled in the militia; number of children between 6 - 20; crops, etc. Give you an idea of the life style of your ancestor.


HENDERSON, HOME OF JOHN JAMES AUDUBON. Good historical sketch of Henderson County including government, industries, commerce, schools, churches and biographical notes. Sponsored by the Kentucky writer's project under the leadership of Urban R. BELL and co-sponsored by Susan Starling TOWLES
LAWYERS & LAWMAKERS OF HENDERSON COUNTY. Info includes names of family members and business associates of the early lawmakers. Info taken from the book "Kentucky Lawyers and Lawmakers" published in 1897.
1913 GLEANER NEWSPAPER, HISTORICAL & INDUSTRIAL EDITION REPORT. This 44 page newspaper contains brief histories and photographs of Henderson County places and people that include businesses, fruit orchards, banks, the tobacco industry, prominent individuals and residences, politicians, lawyers, physicians, YMCA, sport teams, city and county schools, churches and their pastors, parks and scenery, etc.
HISTORY OF HENDERSON COUNTY, KENTUCKY. Written by Edmund L. Starling in 1887. Contains 840 pages of enthralling literature.
HISTORY OF HENDERSON CO., KY 1888- 1978. Written by Dannheiser - Hazlewood in 1980. Info includes city government, temple of justice, Mayor Newman's Era, real estate, transportation, communication, industries, schools, agriculture, hospitals churches, parks, clubs, towns, wars, also some family histories.
FIRST FAMILIES & EARLY SETTLERS. Info includes a brief history of the formation of Henderson County; Historic Farms; Family Tree Charts of the first families or early settlers, and the listing of the descendants and connections. This publication was compiled and written by Linda Hicks Hallmark in celebration of Henderson's 200th birthday. Only those who participated in this publication are listed in this book. Not all first families or early settlers of Henderson are represented.
ORPHANS & APPRENTICES: INDENTURED SERVANTS IN HENDERSON. Written and compiled by Frank Boyett. Lists children who were bonded over as indentured servants in the 1800s. Book is divided into two sections; first section lists apprentices alphabetically by last name, second section lists masters' alphabetically by last name.

Copyright 2002 Leigh Ann Boucher/Netta Mullin, HCH&GS