Miss Applegate Is Run Down By L&N Train

Miss Burdette Applegate of this city, (was returning to Evansville), Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock when a Louisville and Nashville train ran her down on the tracks near the crossing of the railroad and the Evansville and Howell street car line.

She was walking along the track, returning to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Tucker, in Evansville, after visiting Mrs. Fred Wunderlich in Howell, and it was reported that the engineer did not sound a warning by either whistle or bell.

The young girl did not know that the train was approaching her, and it struck her with full force.

Several persons living along the track stated that the trainmen did not give the alarm, and the girl's deafness was not the direct cause of the accident. Miss Applegate was rather deaf and it was thought at first that her infirmity was the cause of her failure to hear the approaching train.

The train which struck Miss Applegate was No. 51, which was running into Evansville off the St. Louis division. The same train is due in this city at 2:55.

Miss Applegate is the only daughter of Mrs. L. M. Applegate, a widow of this city, and was well known here, having been born and reared in Henderson. She had been living with Mr. and Mrs. Tucker, of Evansville, during the past several months. She was twenty-five years of age.

Coroner (Laval), of Vanderburgh county ____________________ last night, and the remains will be brought to this city Sunday afternoon at 1:32 o'clock via the Illinois Central railroad. The funeral will probably be held Monday at the residence of the girl's mother, 326 Powell Street.

The news of the accident was a great shock to the girl's mother and her many friends.

The Gleaner
February 15, 1908
Reprinted with Permission

Contributed by Netta Mullin, HCH&GS
Copyright 2007 HCH&GS