Patrick Flaherty Struck By I. C. Train; Loses Left Foot

Patrick Flaherty, aged about fifty-five years, was struck by Illinois Central local freight engine No. 32 about eight o'clock last night, near A. Waller & Company's elevator, and his left leg was cut off just above the ankle.

The cries of the unfortunate old man were heard by Charles Brandt, night watchman for A. Waller & Co., who went to his aid, after having summoned assistance, and Mr. Flaherty was placed on a handcar and carried to the baggage room of the Union Depot, a short distance away, and a call sent for Klee's ambulance, which carried the injured man to the city hospital.

In addition to the loss of his foot, there were two cuts on Mr. Flaherty's head, one in the left temple and the other, a long one, was in the back of the head, behind the left ear. He is said to have retained consciousness, and his cries were most pitiful. He was found lying in a ditch at one side of the track.

Mr. Flaherty is one of the best known of the older Irish citizens of this city, where he has resided for many years. His home is on Sixth Street.

For the past two years he has been employed by the city as care taker of Central Park, and for the last few days, after finishing his work there, he would go the Amiet Hotel on East Second Street, where he was engaged in doing some work and he is supposed to have been enroute to his house last night when struck. The extent of the injuries had not been determined last night, at a late hour, and no account of his age could be gotten. Some fear is entertained for his recovery.

Henderson Daily Gleaner
April 24, 1908



Contributed by Netta Mullin, HCH&GS
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