Civic Society Wants Park Near Union Station |
All the tracks in the Louisville and Nashville yards will soon be removed. A limited force of men is at work now removing the old lines, and preparing for the new. Grading will begin this morning on the site of the old freight depot, which was destroyed five years ago by fire (1903). This is a past of the route of the new system. [sic] The Civic Improvement Society held its regular meeting in the parlors of Hotel Kingdon last Thursday evening and many topics of interest were discussed, especially the one relative to the park opposity the Union Station, which the society has been endeavoring to have the railroads establish. It certainly seems that all enterprising citizens should lend the society their influence in this matter, for Henderson, as is common with most places, presents its least attractive aspect where the railway passes through, and it is certainly desirable for a community to make an agreeable first impression upon strangers. It is also evident that what is for the interest of a community to likewise for the interest of the railway company. This fact is being increasingly recognized and the movement for improving railway surroundings is becoming widespread. This is a matter that is equally interesting to both railroads as passengers over one often have to wait quite a while for connecting train and the park would make an admirable place to pass the time while waiting. Henderson Twice-A-Week Gleaner
BACK Contributed by Netta Mullin, HCH&GS Copyright 2007 HCH&GS |