Five New Tracks To Be Put In The L&N Yard |
All the tracks in the Louisville and Nashville yards will soon be removed. A limited force of men is at work now removing the old lines, and preparing for the new. Grading will begin this morning on the site of the old freight depot, which was destroyed five years ago by fire (1903). This is a past of the route of the new system. [sic] The tracks when completed will be of different lengths. Number one will accommodate sixty cars, and so the order will descend to the shortest line, which it is intended shall hold thirty cars. Mr. W. C. Edmonson, section foreman for this part of the L&N has charge of the work, and when he has his full force at work, will push it to completion. The plans are promising of great improvement, and will give a great deal more track room than the old way, which is said to have been too crooked. The new lines will extend in straight lines, and will be further apart than the old ones, which were too cramped. More room will be provided for switchmen, who are too often compelled to run the gauntlet of lines of heavily loaded cars. The work when finished will be a great improvement. Henderson Daily Gleaner
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