For the past ten years it has been customary for the employees of Henderson freight station and yard to have a barbecue at Henderson. The annual barbecue for 1926 was held in Atkinson Park, Sunday, July 18 th . Those attended were:

R. E. KEMPER, J. H. FISH, C. R. BOWMAN, I. L. BEIDELMAN, William SHELEY, W. H. ORR, Earl MILLER, C. A. OSBORNE, and Frank FISH from Evansville.

From Henderson freight station and yards: H. L. SUTTON, William CRABTREE, A. J. MILLER, H. C. HICKS, A. N. STEPHON, Rupert SALE, C. A. TAYLOR, C. M. DAY, W. W. WILKIE, H. S. KINNEY, F. W. RUCKS, C. J. CURRY, W. H. JOHNSON and Walter JACKSON.

There were also a number of employees from the Henderson Stock Yards, Eckert Packing Company and the H. J. Heinz Company, present. The lambs were furnished for the barbecue by the Henderson Stock Yards.

H. C. HICKS, was chairman of arrangements, C. A. TAYLOR, treasurer, Walter JACKSON in charge of the cold drinks. JACKSON has been in the service of the Company for 20 years as trucker and porter, Henderson Freight Station.

The meat was barbecued and the burgoo was made by Sid WEBSTER who has made a specialty of preparing barbecued meat and burgoo for the past 40 years and on this particular occasion he did himself proud as it was announced by all present, it was the best barbecue and burgoo they had ever indulged in.

A special invitation was issued to Assistant General Manager Mr. SMITH, Superintendent DEVNEY, General Freight Agent CORNICK, Master Mechanic DUPONT and Chief Dispatcher YEARWOOD.

The success of the barbecue was due to the untiring efforts of William CRABTREE, Yard Foreman; H. L. SUTTON, Freight Agent and Mr. HICKS, Chairman of Arrangements.

L&N Employes' Magazine, October 1926



Contributed by Netta Mullin, HCH&GS
Copyright 2005 HCH&GS