Henderson County, Kentucky Community


Submitted by Lisa Hallmark Pounders
Published in The Legacy, Volume 6, Number 4

Smith Mills is located in the western part of Henderson County, Kentucky, in the area of Highway 136 West, Highway 359 and Martin-Martin Road.

Smith Mills was first known as "Roelosson's Settlement" after the first settlers of the area William ROELOSSON and family. Mr. ROELOSSON was a soldier hired by the British to fight the Colonists; he joined the colonist during the Revolutionary War. Smith Mills, also, at one time was known as "The Point" because of the well chosen location of an elevated spot above the Ohio River's flood level. Later, when referring to the area, people would call it "Smith's Mill", after its namesake, Colonel Robert SMITH. Through the years the name gradually changed to become as it is known today.

Colonel Robert SMITH, was born in Westmoreland County, PA on 19 Aug 1784. He later lived in Virginia before settling with his family in Henderson County, when he was a mere lad of fourteen. Robert SMITH married Seltsey ROLLESON in 1803, it was said that no two ever lived more happily together.

SMITH being a patriotic individual volunteered as a private under General Samuel HOPKINS during Harrison's Campaign against the Indians. He later served in General Andrew JACKSON's army in New Orleans during the War of 1812. SMITH also served his country faithfully as a magistrate for 24 years, sheriff for two terms and as a school commissioner for two terms. In December 1821, Colonel SMITH was appointed on behalf of Henderson County, along with Reuben BERRY and Daniel TALBOTT, to run and establish the line between Henderson and Union Counties in Kentucky. Colonel SMITH also set up at his place, a grist mill, the first of its kind in the area. It was powered by horses or oxen. The name of Smith Mills was originated when people referred to Smith's grist mill.

The first church in Smith Mills was erected in 1825 by Stephen MARTIN and Colonel Robert SMITH. It was made of brick and was mainly of the Presbyterian faith. In the early 1840s the Baptist and Methodist followers erected their places of worship.

In 1832, Stephen MARTIN donated a lot near the church for the first school, it was a log building, but in a few years was replaced by a frame building.

The post office was established in 1830 with Hosea SMITH, Colonel SMITH's son, serving as postmaster.


James W. COOPER, Physician and Surgeon. Residence and Office in Smith Mills.

G. W. NORMAN, Physician and Surgeon. Residence and Office in Smith Mills.

ABBOTT and FAULKNER, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, etc.

W. P. WILLIAMS, Farmer and Carpenter.

L. L. HANCOCK, Manufacturer of Wagons, Spring Wagons, Buggies, etc. Blacksmithing of all kinds, done to order. Also, Undertaker. Residence in Smith Mills.

THEODORE MOFFITT, Blacksmith, Manufacturer of Wagons, Plows, etc. All kinds of farm work done to order. Residence in Smith Mills.


ASKEW, David Farmer Arkansas 1865
ALLIN, P. H. Farmer Grundy Co, MO 1869
BARRON, John Farmer Union Co, KY 1842
BUCKMAN, William I. Farmer Nelson Co, KY 1842
COOPER, John M. Farmer Henderson Co, KY 1847
CROWDER, G. W. Farmer Henderson Co, KY 1852
CRENSHAW, J. H. Farmer Nicholas Co, KY 1818
FOWLER, P. N. Farmer Henderson Co, KY 1839
FOWLER, R. Farmer Marion Co, KY 1830
HOSKINS, J. T. Farmer Jefferson Co, KY 1852
HOGGARD, G. O. Farmer North Carolina 1868
HIGGINS, A. Farmer Henderson Co, KY 1843
HIGGINS, Nancy Henderson Co, KY 1832
LATTA, S. Farmer Orange Co, NC 1829
LUTTRELL, O. P. Farmer Eastern Tennessee 1864
SHEFFER, L. C. Farmer Henderson Co, KY 1833
SMITH, R. A. Farmer Henderson Co, KY 1857
TURNER, Hiram Farmer Henderson Co, KY 1818
UTLEY, J. C. Farmer Henderson Co, KY 1849
UTLEY, J. D. Farmer Henderson Co, KY 1845
VAIL, John R. Farmer Henderson Co, KY 1840

Information was gathered from several sources: Starling's History of Henderson; Dannheiser/Hazelwood's History of Henderson; Arnett's Annals and Scandals; the Gleaner, newspaper articles; Industrial Files at the Society; Kentucky Information Files at the library; 1880 Henderson County Atlas.

Contributed by Lisa Hallmark Pounders, HCH&GS
Copyright 1996 HCH&GS