Henderson County, Kentucky Obituary
Reporter, Henderson, Kentucky January
23, 1883 SUDDEN
Robert LAWRY Sent Into Eternity Without
a Moment’s Warning Monday morning
at 10 o’clock, Mr. Robert LAWREY was in excellent health and
engaged in the usual routine of his work as foreman of an engine in
the Henderson yards of the L & N Railroad.
For half a dozen years or such a matter, he had performed the
duties connected with his position in a manner entirely satisfactory
and had many friends among his associates. At eleven o’clock
of the same morning his remains lay stretched out stiff in death – a
sad commentary on the shortness and uncertainty of human life.
the morning name, the ice around the transfer at the upper wharf, prevented
the usual landing of barges. In
order therefore to bring in a barge loaded with freight cars, a number
of hands was detailed to break away the ice.
A connection had just been made and the iron bar dropped into
the usual socket, but it was not strong enough to bear the weight and
snapped asunder. The iron
bar aforesaid was tied to a rope about twenty feet in length, and as
soon as the break occurred it flew back some fifteen feet striking Mr.
LAWRY, who was standing near the pay car, over the left eye, breaking
his skull and causing instantaneous death from congestion. Drs.
LETCHER and HELM were sent for, but too late of course to
do any good as he was beyond earthly relief. Mr.
LAWREY at the time of his death was about thirty years of age, has
long been a resident of Henderson, and is well known hereabouts. He was a widower and leaves one little girl an orphan, at a
tender age. BACK |