Henderson County, Kentucky Obituary
ONCE-A-WEEK GLEANER Tuesday, November 22, 1904 WAS LAID TO REST IN CITY OF THE DEAD Funeral of Judge R. H. Cunningham Yesterday at St. Paul’s Church __________________ Sweet Music and Lovely Flowers — Vestry Meets and Adopts Resolutions ___________________ The funeral of Judge R. H. CUNNINGHAM was conducted yesterday from St. Paul’s church. The church was filled with a large number of sorrowing friends and relatives to pay the last sad tribute to the memory of their deceased friend and neighbor. The services were feelingly said by Rev. L. W. ROSE, according to the simple and beautiful ritual of the church. Beautiful floral pieces, speaking immortality in their fragrance and beauty covered the casket containing all that was mortal of one who had died in the "Communion of the Catholic church, and with a "reasonable religious and holy hope.: Aside from the usual order of the service, sweet sympathetic selections were sung. Mrs. N. Powell TAYLOR sang as a solo, "On a Resurrection Morning." "He Wipes the Tear from Every Eye," was sung by Mrs. TAYLOR and Mr. George M. ATKINSON. As the casket was borne from the church the choir sang, "Lead Kindly Light." The members of J. Ed RANKIN Camp of Confederate Veterans attended as an escort of honor. Many handsome floral tributes were borne by the honorary pall bearers. The pall bearers were: Honorary — Major J. J. REEVE, Wm. SOAPER, H. F. TURNER, D. J. Burr REEVE, Jesse BASKETT, Charles E. DALLAM, M. YEAMAN and W. P. McCLAIN. Active — J. Whit CLARKE, G. M. ALVES, M. MERRITT, R. C. SOAPER, J. Hawkins HART, Ed STARLING, Jr., James E. RANKIN and John L. DORSEY. The services were concluded at Fernwood in the presence
of quite a concourse of friends and relatives. BACK