Robert C. McFarland, one of the leading druggists of Henderson, Kentucky, was born in that county, near Hebbardsville, June 16, 1847. He is the son of Dr. Robert M. and Catherine (BOSWELL) McFARLAND, the former a native of North Carolina and the latter of Henderson County. The paternal grandfather, Joseph McFARLAND, was a native of North Carolina, but of Scotch descent. He came to Kentucky in 1806, settling first at Grissom's Landing in Daviess County, where he bought and cleared 600 acres of land. In 1815, he came to Henderson County, bought land near the city and there passed the remainder of his life. Dr. R. M. McFARLAND studied medicine in Philadelphia, and was one of the pioneer doctors of Henderson County. He was also interested in agricultural pursuits and before the war owned a number of slaves. He was successful in both his farming and profession life and had a large circle of friends to mourn his death, which occurred in 1869. His wife survived until 1897. Both were members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Dr. McFARLAND in his day was Whig in his political opinions, took an active part in campaigns as public speaker, but was never an office seeker. He was staunch Union man on the questions that led to the Civil War and an opponent of secession. He and his wife had seven children, four of whom are now living. Robert C.; Mattie, Mrs. H. T. PRIEST, living near Hebbardsville; Thomas M., lives on the old homestead, as does Mary G. the eldest of the family. Robert C. McFARLAND received a good common school education in a Hebbardsville private school and then attended college for one year at Albion, N. Y. After completing his schooling he lived on the farm until 1885, farming and dealing in live stock, and then came to Henderson, where he engaged in the livery business. This vocation he followed with success for twelve years, when he sold out and associated himself with his son in the drug store, which had been started in 1893. Mr. McFARLAND still owns three farms in the county. He is a Republican in his political views and in early life was somewhat active. He belongs to the Knights of Pythias, and with his entire family to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. In 1869, he was married to Elizabeth SCHAEFFER, a native of Henderson County, and they have three children: Robert M. a graduate of the Philadelphia School of Pharmacy and associated with his father in business; Annie Belle is the wife of W. H. LEWIS, a farmer of Henderson County; and Catherine W. is the wife of Robert L. ZUBROD, a druggist of Louisville. Lower Ohio Valley, Federal Publishing Company, 1905 ROBERT C. McFARLAND REFERENCES INTERMENT RECORDS R. C. McFarland, b) 16 Jun 1847; d) 13 Feb 1919, Fernwood, Age
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