Henderson County, Kentucky



was established in 1823 as the first paper published in Henderson by William R. ABBOTT, and printed by Josh CUNNINGHAM, at that time a practical printer as well as graceful writer. This paper was published for many years, and was finally merged into the "South Kentuckian," under the management of W. R. ABBOTT and C. W. PENNELL.


which was purchased and removed by Judge J. F. SIMMONS, several years since, to Sardis, Mississippi, was established in Henderson in 1853, by HENDERSON NEWSPAPERS and E. W. WORSHAM. For thirty years it was a tower of strength in Henderson. The Reporter was the immediate successor of the "Banner," published by HUTCHEN & RICKETT.


is the oldest established paper in Henderson, having been successfully published for near a quarter of a century, Ben. HARRISON, Publisher and Editor. It is Democratic in politics, and bold and outspoken in all matters of public concern. Mr. HARRISON wielded a pen unsurpassed for grace and pleasing diction. First mentioned in Starling's History 21 Jun 1864. During July 1865 the notorious Colonel Sam JOHNSON, with his command of Federals, entered Henderson, and were but a short time in making themselves obnoxious. His first step was to suppress, for a time, the Henderson News, a paper which had done more, perhaps, to suppress the guerrillas than Johnson and all of his men, for, be it said to his credit, Mr. HARRISON, editor, was unflinching in his devotion to good government, and a terror to both sides who departed from that rule. He had no mercy upon guerrilla bands, who plundered and stole, and the only wonder now is that he had not been butchered by some of the very men with whom he was accused, by Johnson, of being in sympathy.


was incorporated in November, and appeared first, 10 Dec 1883. It was organized by a stock company, and was sold in June, 1884, to Messrs. John A. LYNE and Starling L. MARSHALL. It is a folio 31 X 41 inches, and Democratic in politics. Its first editors were Hon. M. YEAMAN and E. L. STARLING.


Clarence C. GIVENS at the age of 17, commenced the publication of the Sebree Sunbeam, a three-column folio, at Sebree, KY. He spent one year in this enterprise, then sold and came to Henderson in the employ of Thomas L. CANNON, who was publishing the Sentinel. He remained with the Sentinel but a short time, when he moved to Providence and commenced the publication of the Gleaner. He soon succeeded in building up a large circulation, and at the end of six months, wanting to get into a larger and more extended field, he moved to Madisonville and commenced the publication of the Hopkins County Gleaner, seven columns. Going up against the Times, an old established paper published by Zeno F. YOUNG, one of the most popular and deserving publishers in the State. By working night and day, he soon gained a large patronage and drew around himself a host of friends. His paper was soon enlarged to an eight-column folio, then to a nine-column with steam power added. By determined industry and square dealing, he registered the largest number of subscribers ever claimed by any paper in the county. Twelve months had scarcely gone by, when he purchased the Times and consolidated it with the Gleaner. In July 1885, he moved to Henderson and commenced the publication of the Henderson Gleaner, a nine-column weekly. By dint of personal perseverance and unlimited effort, Mr. GIVENS has secured a circulation never attained by any paper heretofore published in Henderson.

Contributed by Netta Mullin, HCH&GS
Copyright 2002 HCH&GS