Manufacturers of Wardrobes
The business which has grown into the immense manufacturing plant of the
Marstall Furniture company was established twenty-four years ago in a
comparatively small way. (Sunday, March 23rd, 1913) Twenty years ago it
was purchased by Herman
MARSTALL, and in 1895, the business was reorganized and incorporated
under the present name, the others being H. KLEYMEYER, president;
F. KLUTEY, vice president; Herman MARSTALL, treasurer and
general manager; C. E. MARSTALL, secretary. Some idea of the success
of this enterprise can be gleaned from the simple statement that within
a comparatively few years the increase in the volume of business has been
about seventy-five per cent., and employment is given on an average to
seventy-five men, many of whom are skilled mechanics.
The company occupies seven acres of land, upon which is the factory building,
office, dry houses, fire houses, lumber yards, etc., and railroad switches
into the yards enable them to load and unload directly to and from the
cars. The buildings have a floor space of nearly sixty thousand square
feet. Everything about the plant is modern, and the machinery and general
equipment is the best that money can buy, and as often as anything in
machinery of value to the operating of the factory appears on the market
it is installed, in order to keep the plant up-to-date in every particular.
The business is exclusively the manufacture of medium and the better grade
of wardrobes of all descriptions, and the motto of the company, "Not
the Cheapest, but the Best," had always been maintained. The capacity
is about two hundred and fifty finished wardrobes a week, which find a
ready deman throughout the country, and in every state in the South, for
the "Marstall Wardrobe" has a reputation second to none in the
market. Nothing but the best material is used, and a thorough and careful
inspection is made, not only of everything that goes into the make-up,
but of the finished wardrobe as well, and nothing ever leaves the factory
until it is absolutely known to be all right, even to the smallest detail.
This accuracy in manufacture has gained for the company its reputation
and consequent business success, and it would be difficult indeed to find
a first-class dealer anywhere who does not sell and guarantee the "MARSTALL"
line of superior wardrobes.
Industrial & Historical Edition
The Gleaner, Sunday, March 23, 1913