Henderson County, Kentucky Obituary
The Gleaner, Henderson, Kentucky January 11, 1916 NOBLE CHRISTIAN WOMAN CALLED TO HER REWARD Mrs. John R. KNIGHT of Robards Vicinity Dies Sunday at Ripe Age Robards, Jan. 10 -- Following an illness of several weeks of a complication of diseases. Mrs. John R. KNIGHT died at her home near Pleasant Valley Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock, at the advanced age of 74. The deceased was a noble Christian woman and will be greatly missed by her family and friends. She was the mother of ten children, all of whom survive, twenty-one grandchildren and thirty-two great grandchildren. The names of the children are: Mrs. Liza SANDEFUR, Mrs. Lucy ROLL, Mrs. Hattie PUGH, Mrs. Ellen PRUITT, Lloyd KNIGHT, George KNIGHT, William KNIGHT, H. Jack KNIGHT, Russell KNIGHT and Elliott KNIGHT. Funeral services will be held at Pleasant Valley Christian Church by the Rev. Kyle BROOKS, of Henderson, tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, and the interment will be in the family lot in the Pleasant Valley Cemetery. BACK |