Henderson County, Kentucky Veteran

Grant Green

Hon. Grant GREEN was born in Henderson County on the 3rd day of February 1826. His mother was Martha DIXON, the daughter of Captain Henry DIXON, whose father was a Colonel in the Revolutionary War.

In the year 1859 Hon. Grant GREEN received the Democratic nomination for the office of Auditor of Public Accounts, and at the August election was declared elected by a handsome majority.

He then resigned the office of County Judge, returned to Frankfort, Kentucky, and on the first day of January 1860, he entered upon the duties of his new and most important office, and served the State with most commendable fidelity and zeal for four years.

During the trying times of the war, he managed the State's finances, so far as the same was to be controlled through his official position, with eminent ability, giving entire satisfaction to all parties.

At the expiration of his term of office, and at his request, the Legislature appointed a Committee whose duty it was to give his office a thorough examination. This was done and a very complimentary report returned. He was re-nominated for a second term, and notwithstanding the interference of Federal troops in many of the counties of the State, he was defeated by a comparatively small vote. He then returned to Henderson in 1864, and engaged in the tobacco business for two years.

History of Henderson County, Kentucky by E. L. Starling, Pages 606 - 608

Contributed by Netta Mullin, HCH&GS
Copyright 2002 HCH&GS