Elijah SELLERS, Sr., a well known farmer, living four miles from Henderson, Kentucky, and one of the heaviest taxpayers in the county, was born in Henderson County, 15 Oct 1824, his parents being Isham and Lydia (BARR) SELLERS, both natives of North Carolina. Soon after his marriage Isham SELLERS came with his wife on horseback to the wilds of Kentucky, carrying their household effects on pack horses, and began life in true pioneer fashion. The clapboards that formed the roof of their log cabin were fastened on with wooden pegs, as nails in that day were a luxury hardly to be thought of for such purposes. There this couple lived until their deaths, rearing a large family of children. He was a member of the old Baptist Church and his wife was a Methodist. Elijah SELLERS received such an education as the public schools of that day afforded and at the age of twenty-one bought 154 acres of wild land on credit and commenced life for himself by building a log cabin in the wilderness. He cleared a farm and in 1849 was married to Minerva OSBORN, daughter of Randolph OSBORN, one of the pioneer settlers of Henderson County. To this marriage there were born ten children: Orrie Pelle, now Mrs. Andrew THORNBERRY of Webster County; Frances, now dead, was the wife of A. D. MILTON; Jane, now Mrs. Jack MILTON; Isham J., a farmer of Henderson County; Annie, widow of Joseph HARGISS; Robert Lee and Randolph, both farmers in Henderson County; Addie, wife of William MITCHISON, a farmer of Henderson County; Elijah, Jr., and Rufus, both occupying farms near the old homestead. At one time Mr. SELLERS owned 2,500 acres of land. After giving each of his ten children a good farm, he had about 800 acres left. Since 1879, he has lived in his present location, where he has one of the finest brick farm houses in the county. While he has conducted a general farming business he has given a great deal of attention to tobacco, which has been one of his principal crops. After the death of his first wife (Liddie Barr) he was married Mrs. Mary POOR, nee NORRIS. She too passed away and he was married to his third and present wife, Mrs. Mary A. VOGLE, whose maiden name was ROCKENCAMP. His first wife was a member of the Methodist Church; his present wife is a Lutheran; and he belongs to the Episcopal Church. In his political opinions Mr. SELLERS has always been a Democrat, though he has never been a seeker after office nor an active politician. He is a member of the Free and Accepted Masons and in earlier years was regular attendant at the lodge meetings. Besides his farming interests he is a stockholder in the Planter's Bank. Lower Ohio Valley, Federal Publishing Company, 1905 ELIJAH SELLERS REFERENCES MARRIAGES IN HENDERSON COUNTY, 1806 - 1858 Elijah Sellers married Minerva J. Orsburn, 19 Sep 1850, Book 001, Page 117 INTERMENT RECORDS Elijah Sellars, born 15 Oct 1826, died 17 May 1913, Fernwood |