Henderson County, Kentucky Community


About seven miles east of Henderson is the beginning of a valley fertile soil, estimated to be about one mile wide with a black layer said to be more than twenty inches thick and running through to Henderson.

One of the earliest settlers was Jesse BASKETT and when a little village was formed on adjacent, heavily-timbered hills, it was given the name of "Baskett".

Two events in 1888 brought the village into being. The Baskett Coal Company started a shaft for a coal mine, and the L. H. and St. L. Railway built its tracks through the community. The coal company bought ten acres which is now covered by Baskett.

Preparations for the laying of the railroad through that neighborhood were begun in 1888 and during the early part of 1889 trains were running.

An announcement was made that on a certain date, the first trip would be made with a passenger train to Louisville. The settlers from far and wide gathered at the station on this date to witness the leaving of the first trip of the train. But to the sorrow of the anxious observers, it was learned that the train would be three days late, and the sad-heartened citizens returned to their cabins to await the final day when the train would start.

The first telegraph operator and ticket agent at the railroad station was Charles BLEVINS, who also sang in a quartet which broadcasted from various stations over the radio.

A post office was opened in 1890 with William H. BASKETT as the first postmaster and James T. LONG as the second. R. C. ARMSTEAD built the first store in 1888; later operated by H. C. WELLS. The first church to be erected was in 1892 when the Methodist Church was constructed. The building remained for a number of years, but finally reached a dilapidated condition and was sold to J. GOODLEY, who tore the old build down and built a modern home on the lot.

With the influx of settlers and demand for homes, a brickyard was needed. E. W. SEISS opened a brickyard with a small amount of equipment but supplied an amazing number of bricks. The earliest houses were built by the coal company to induce men to settle with their families. The first private home completed was that of Al KEACH.

Surrounding the village is fine corn producing land and in the 1920s the fine farms of Lee BASKETT, Allen CLAYCOMB, Jesse FARLEY and Joe LOCKETT were found there.

For many years, Dr. J. R. HODGES was the doctor for the town, also Dr. BRANSON and Dr. DIXON. Dr. HODGES was a coal company doctor. Each miner paid $1.50 a month, whether he came one time or every day. He charged $5.00 for delivering a baby.

The first school was a one-room school built about the turn of the century. Before that, they had school in the Baptist Church. Miss Annie SHAW was one of the first teachers and was known by her penmanship. All of the students that went to school to her wrote a pretty hand.


History of Henderson County, Kentucky by Dannheiser & Hazelwood

Contributed by Lisa Hallmark Pounders, HCH&GS
Copyright 1996 HCH&GS