Henderson County, Kentucky Obituary


Henderson Weekly Journal, Henderson, KY

March 24, 1899

Aged Citizen Passes Away Yesterday Afternoon of General Debility

From Monday’s Daily

           The death of Bushrod MILTON occurred at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Wyatt H. INGRAM, Sr., yesterday afternoon, at the advance age of 92 years.  The deceased was the father of Mrs. W. H. INGRAM, Sr., of this city, and was well and favorably known, especially by the older citizens.  The remains were taken to Lexington this morning for interment.

          The Courier-Journal of today says “Mr. Bushrod MILTON, whose death occurred yesterday at Henderson, was a native of Virginia, and was a lineal descendant of the noted ROSS family of the State, which was closely related to the family of General George WASHINGTON.

          He was only a youth when his parents moved to Lexington, KY., where Mr. MILTON lived until seven or eight years ago.  At that time, after the death of his wife, who was Miss Mary CLAYPOOLE, of Versailles, Mr. MILTON went to Henderson, and there passed the remainder of his days at the home of his oldest daughter, Mrs. W. H. INGRAM.

          His illness was only of a few days duration.  Mr. William A. MILTON, of this city, his son, was telegraphed from Friday night and arrived at his father’s bedside before his death.

          Four children survive the deceased – Mrs. Wyatt H. INGRAM of Henderson; Mrs. W. W. FORD of Lakefoot, Arkansas; Mr. William A. MILTON of this city, and Lieutenant John B. MILTON of the United States Navy.  Mr. MILTON’S remains were taken to Lexington.

Contributed by Netta Mullin, HCH&GS

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